New release: updates to Reseller Interface, Plesk, UpCloud & other!
Today’s HostBill release is full of new functionalities in a variety of modules: from Reseller Interface domain registrar, through provisioning modules such as Plesk, UpCloud, VMmanager to plugins and admin panel! Read the blog for the update!
Admin panel
Recently we’ve added support for multiple languages for articles in the News section to enable posting news in multiple languages. A little improvement is now introduced: if no other language contents is defined in adding/editing a News item, all News will use the default language content.
In Tickets we complemented the Ticket reply view with the IP address of the replier.
In Orders listing you can use multiple filters to serach for orders by number, date, client name, payment status and payment method or staff ownership. Now it is also possible to filter orders by the type: new order or renew order.

In the latest release we updated a few domain modules and we continue the work! Today, Reseller Interface domain registrar module has been equipped with two new client functions: DNSSec support and DNS management to enable clients to update registry-maintained DNS records and DNSSEC keys at registry. The module also now supports price import, so you can automatically import all available extensions and prices from the registry with your price margins.
UpCloud VPS hosting module has a new client feature, enabling to adjust Reverse DNS record from client portal, and a new admin functionality to enable and configure backups in product configuration.
Our Plesk integration is one of the modules that supports Metered Billing and until now it could be used to bill for: Traffic, Subdomains, Emails, Redirects, Mail groups, Autoresponders, Mailing lists, Databases, Domains and Sites. Now we added the option to define disk usage as metric/quota. There is also a new option to specify account type used for App connection, which impacts account suspension method.
The update of the VMmanager module for VPS hosting resellers includes new option to select multiple IP networks for module to pick from during VM creation and the ability to specify limits of VM in product configuration manual rather than through the package.
In today’s release you’ll also find updates in NASK, Hetzner, Virtualizor and other modules – the full list is available in he Changelog!