New module and a bunch of new features!
This week in HostBill we’re happy to present new integration and a number of new features!
Pterodacyl module
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel designed with security in mind. supports a huge variety of games by utilizing Docker containers to isolate each instance, giving users the power to host the games across the world without having to bloat each physical machine with additional dependencies. module for HostBill is the perfect tool to sell game servers hosting with plenty of billing models available, allowing to charge end users for CPU, disk space, memory, swap, dedicated IP or location. HostBill automation makes sure that users and servers are created automatically. HostBill also automatically handles the whole account management, including suspensions, unsuspensions and terminations. Clients can view access details in HostBill client area, while admin can control account lifecycle and billing detail from admin panel.
New features
This week we’re also introducing a bunch of new features:
EPP Code can be sent over email or displayed on a dashboard (default) from now on. You can set this option in related client function settings. With this option on, when the client presses the “Get EPP code” button in client area, HostBill will get the email address of the registrant from domain contacts and will send an email (using a template) to this address with the code downloaded from API.

Admin can now override default order/estimate/invoice notification recipient list – you can simply select the list of recipients (from client contact list) that should get notification about given order / estimate and only selected contacts will receive notification.

Facebook Pixel
This week we’ve also added a simple helper module to inject Facebook Pixel tracking code into your HostBill client portal. Facebook Pixel collects data that helps you track conversions from your Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.
HostBill provides you with the opportunity to define how many certain products/services one customer is allowed to buy. With the new feature, when product ordered by client have limitation per client set you can select which service statuses goes into usage calculation:

2019 Theme
Clients can now use search feature to search their services by products/category names
Gateway Per Client
Gateway per Client module allows to define gateway availability rules and decide which payment gateways will be available for specific client, product, account billing cycle or customer country. New functionalities allow to define gateway per client group assignment rules.