vePortal vs SolusVM vs Panenthe

Now that we know that VPS Management Software can be done better, it’s time to make improvements. We at HostBill also feel responsible for these improvements and we would like to have better API.

HyperVM took big share of VPS management software. When I compare HyperVM to current solutions like vePortal / SolusVM / Panenthe I think it’s better.

We would like to provide full VPS management, not poor solution that most of the billing softwares deliver by default. And they call it “great software”.

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Please note we don’t judge any VPS managers, we just compare API. We would like to have all VPS managers integrated into HostBill soon.

Just one thing missing – Xen support. Our customers need this feature. Stable and good VPS managers with Xen support. We are counting on you!

Developers, Developers, Developers work hard on your Panels.  You can listen Steve Ballmer and his famous developer’s song.


Announcing HostBill 1.0.2 upcoming release

Hello all interested in HostBill project!
We’re happy to announce that version 1.0.2 is getting its last screws and bolts and it will be released very soon from now (date will be revealed in the next post). As we’re very excited with it, we’d like to give you a sneak preview of upcoming new features in HostBill – mostly developer-friendly ones.

Here is the short list of upcoming features:
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Announcing HostBill v.1.0 Official Release Date

It’s official now – 17.11.2009 – first public available version of HostBill will be released. It will be available to download for free from our clientarea. You’ll be able to use it for free for three months or until you gather five customers with it – so it’s perfect for companies beginning their adventure with hosting as well as the ones who want to test it before paying for it. For full feature list of version 1.0.0 please visit Features section of our website, or our Forum.

Big day of release is coming soon

We’re making last tests and fixes before releasing HostBill to wider than beta-testers audience. Every module is being tested in live mode because we want to be sure that everything is working properly in mentioned release day. Exact date of release will be posted soon, so stay tuned for that! On behalf of all HB developers I think I can tell that all of us simply cannot wait for this day and getting more opinions on our product 😉