Low stock alerts, SSO to Apps & other news
What’s new in HostBill this week? We’re presenting staff alerts on low product stock, single sign-on to Apps and more!
Low stock alerts
In HostBill, when configuring products you can Enable Stock Control – define product quantity available for sale and decide what to do when the product is out of stock (follow general settings for visibility, hide product from orderpage or show product on orderpage without the ability to order). Now, you can enable staff alerts on low stock – you can choose to receive alerts when the number of items drops bellow certain number. To do so first enable stock control in Product Configuration and then enable notification in staff profile.

Staff SSO to Apps
In this week’s release we added support for “Login to Panel” option in admin area for three modules: Plesk, cPanel and DirectAdmin. It will allow staff to login to a given App without the login or password. There are two ACLs connected to Apps: “List servers & apps”, which allows to list the connections without the ability to see the details and “Manage servers & apps” which enables to manage the App (and SSO). There is also a new ACL added, which can be set per App – it allows staff to single sign-on even if they do not have the “Manage servers & apps” privilege enabled.

Today’s release is also rich in various new features for multiple modules – it is all listed in Changelog!