New: ApisCP integration, cPanel Manage2 improvements and more!
With today’s release we’re happy to announce new integration: ApisCP module, new functionalities added to cPanel manage2 module, new custom admin email templates and more!
ApisCP module for HostBill
ApisCP is an open-source hosting platform for PHP, Ruby, Node, Python, and Go projects; built by a hosting company for hosting. The ApisCP module for HostBill is a perfect tool to sell hosting services with automated account management. Thanks to HostBill everything happens automatically – from creating the account, through suspensions (upon reaching certain conditions, possible upgrades and downgrades, to terminations on scheduled account end date, automatic notifications, billing and invoicing. Client area gives end customers the possibility to single sign on to ApisCP, change password and change their package. The module supports Account Metrics feature, which allows to set limits of resource usage, monitor it and trigger certain actions upon exceeding the limits, so you can measure and charge for disk space and bandwidth used.
Custom admin email templates
HostBill offers a wide range of email templates, that are divided into two sections: Client and Admin. Templates aren’t encrypted, so they can be easily edited and modified by admins. Such solution gives a possibility for a quick and dynamic emails’ content generation. Moreover, content can be edited by adding or removing some parts, or by enabling Plain/HTML text. We have now added the option to create custom admin email templates, which until now was only possible for client templates. You can do so in Settings -> Email Templates -> Admin. HostBill will assist you during that process by giving you useful hints, such as available email variables. You don’t need to posses any developer skills – just choose what information you want to include in your template and HostBill will automatically convert it into code. New template can be created both in Plain and HTML text.

cPanel manage2: Improvements
cPanel Manage2 module for HostBill allows you to automate all procedures related to cPanel license management. The module allows you to offer cPanel software licenses from your HostBill as separate product or sub-product to your VPS/Cloud offer. This week we’ve added a couple of new functionalities to the module. First, now you can import all existing licenses into HostBill easily and hassle-free. Secondly, we’re introducing the tool to automatically check whether IPs under manage2 account have cPanel/WHM installed. Once the Manage2 module is activated, the tool can be found in the Extras tab. The tool have several options. You can Check Licenses – check for WHM/cPanel installation presence on selected IP addresses. If license is not found, the module will highlight such license in orange. The other option allows to Check All Licenses – perform installation presence test on all IP addresses fetched from manage2 account. And finally, you can also Get Active Licenses – load the list of licenses to check for presence from manage2 account. More on the module can be found in its documentation.

Today’s release comes with a bunch of other new functionalities such as new option to enable/disable logging for admin email notifications, DNS management support for INWX module, additional log entry on automated unverified profile deletion/closing in Email Verification module and more! You can check the details in the Changelog!
Horia Lambrache
June 30, 2021How are custom admin emails triggered?
Dominika Grzesik
June 30, 2021The custom admin emails can be triggered through Ticket Macros (