.st Registry, Redsys payment gateway and more news!
In today’s release we’re happy to present new domain registrar, new payment gateway integration, new feature added to cPanel DNS module, new settings for domain client functions, billing cycles, upgrade invoices and more!
.st Registry domain module
.st Registrar is the official .ST Domain Registry – the country code top-level domain for Sao Tome and Principe. .st domains can also be used for any corporation or individual in the world, using it as the abbreviation of STreet, STyle, SainT, STart or STartup and many more. HostBill integration allows to sell, manage and automate .st domains: it provides automatic domain registration, transfer, renewals and deletion. The module supports Registry <-> HostBill synchronization, which allows your staff members to update HostBill domain records with registry details, ie. to make sure that domain renewal/expiration dates are in sync.
Redsys payments gateway
Redsys is a Spanish payment processing company that offers quality payment system services; secure, flexible, innovative, efficient and sustainable in time. The integration allows to process payments in HostBill using Redsys payment gateway. The payments are processed offsite – upon checkout the customer gets redirected to the gateway frontend to finish the payment. The gateway supports multiple currencies! Like most of our payment modules, Redsys payment gateway integration is free and available to all HostBill users!
cPanel DNS: DNSSEC support
cPanel is the premier control panel for automating and simplifying server configuration, email, and website management. cPanel DNS integration for HostBill is a full-featured, white-label DNS solution that lets you start your own Managed DNS Hosting service. Thanks to the new feature added to the module it now supports DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions). DNSSEC is a set of extensions for DNS, which allows the client to cryptographically check that DNS data, including the IP addresses of domains, are authentic. Thanks to this feature you can eliminate a number of security threats!
Domains: Client functions: Auth Info / EPP Key
HostBill domain management system is a comprehensive and powerful tool that helps to operate the domains with precision and hassle-free (see this article for more details). As a very feature-rich solution, HostBill offers a variety of function for both admins and end-clients. Client functions can be easily controlled by admins – their access and appearance depend on what the admin enables for their clients. One of the client functions is the access to Auth Info / EPP Key. We’ve improved this feature and made it possible to automatically block client from seeing domain EPP/Auth code if the client has unpaid invoices. When configuring domains client functions, in the “advanced” settings tab you can see when the EPP code should be shown (or sent): whenever requested (default), only to clients without unpaid invoices for related domain or only to clients without any unpaid invoices. If the client has unpaid invoices, they will be notified to settle them first.
Billing cycle settings
In HostBill, when adding new products and services to your offer you can choose the billing cycle that best matches your needs. The pricing model can be set during product configuration. The pricing options include one-time fee, regular or flavor billing. For regular billing you can choose from various cycles: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or biennally. Now you can choose the default billing cycle for all order pages in General Settings -> Ordering. This can be changed and edited for each product individually, but setting a default billing cycle can save you a lot of time during product configuartion!

Category/product name on upgrade invoices
In HostBill you can enable product/services upgrades and have a range of settings for it. New feature added this week enables to show category/product name on upgrade invoices instead of simply displaying “old” and “new” products. You can enable it in General Settings -> Billing -> Document Settings.

For the full list of new feature and bug fixes please refer to our weekly changelog.