OnApp v6 version support added!

With this week’s release we’re happy to announce that we’ve added ONApp v6 version support and a number of other pretty useful options to your admin area!

OnApp v6 support

OnApp has recently launched version v6.0 of the OnApp cloud management platform, which makes cloud faster, easier and more profitable for Telcos, MSPs and their customers. More information about this new OnApp version are available at https://onapp.com/v6.

You can now upgrade your OnApp module for HostBill! (upgrade can be made from v5 and v4).

What’s new in HostBill admin area

Commitment period for the service –  we’ve added option to set the commitment period for the service account.  Unitil today, when configuring products in HostBill you had the ability to set for how many days after making the order the client can cancel it (in Product -> Other Settings -> Allow cancellations). As of now, in the account view you can also set the commitment period. Once this period is set, customer will not be able to place cancelation request on this service until this date.

SSH Keys – keys added with the SSH key select component can now be viewed in the account details, giving you the ability to quickly copy it.

Credit Notes – in HostBill credit notes are documents that indicate the money coming out/owed to customer. This document is mostly used to indicate refund. Until today you could create credit notes only related to a specific invoice. We’ve now added the functionality to allow you create credit note documents manually. First of all you need to enable credit notes in General Settings -> Billing -> Credit Notes. Then, to create a new credit note go to Invoices -> Credit Notes and press ‘New credit note’ button.

Period on estimates –  in the Document Templates settings (you can find this section in General Settings -> Billing -> Document Templates), we’ve added the Period on Estimates option to allow you to turn off the period for Estimates. This option by default is turned on.

See the full changelog here.

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