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What can be done in 40 minutes – Clients Online – new HostBill addon!

It’s late here, the release date is tomorrow, and weʼre doing some final polishing on the next version of HostBill. Iʼve decided to check what can be done with the HostBill add-ons system in just 40 minutes. The results of my work will be added into the upcoming release. Clients Online is a really simple yet handy add-on that will show you which of your clients are currently logged-in. It integrates itself into the admin homepage, so you will have at-a glance information about your clients’ activity.

clients_onlineSmall, simple box on the admin homepage – now you will know who is online.

I canʼt wait for the new version and your feedback on it!

Next version preview pt.2 – Customizable client fields

With the release of the new version we will introduce new feature to HostBill – customizable client fields. During signup client will pick his profile type – Private profile or Company profile and as an administrator you’ll be able to configure which fields need to be displayed for each type of customer. You also will be able to set those fields as required or not and whether or not they should be displayed on client invoice. You will be able to define your own custom fields – lets say you operate in European Union and want your commercial customers to provide their VAT number during signup – nothing simpler with HostBill! Take a look at the screenshots and see by yourself:


Admin section – define fields


Client section – sign-up