Within the last few hours we’ve been notified by external auditor about SQL Injection vulnerability found in current HostBill releases.
As 4.0 version is ready it also includes patch for this problem. Please update at your earliest convenience, before vulnerability details become widely known. We recommend using auto-upgrade plugin, to make sure you’re always up-to-date with recent updates/patches.
So whats new in HostBill 4.0.0 ?
Reports in HostBill
HostBill always had nice-looking and insightful graphical statistics, but we realize that sometimes numbers looks better printed, or are even required in this representation. Make sure to check flexible new reports, allowing for drag & drop output adjustments, multiple output formats (HTML, CSV, PDF, TXT & more) & easy report criteria modification in HostBill 4.0
Learn more at http://blog.hostbillapp.com/
New Orderpage: Smart Wizard
Created to sell more with each well-designed step this orderpage is another amazing item on our rich collection

Check this, and another available orderpages at http://hostbillapp.com/features/order-pages.php
Full changelog available at: http://hostbillapp.com/changelog/