Browse Category: Modules

Coming with 2.8: OnAPP – Firewall feature

We would like to show you a new feature made by Kris Pajak (Our Lead Developer) .

OnApp Firewall

You can add your own rules (Drop/Accept) for certain Interface, Destination IP, Source Address, Destination port, Protocol – more at videos 🙂

Full OnApp 2.1RC4 module hotfix

HostBill users recently reported issue with OnApp 2.1RC4 module.

When creating billing plan using API it’s not possible to create machine as a client, as OnApp throws HTTP500 + bad response error.

We’ve created patch for OnApp Full-Featured module 2.1. To apply it please download your copy of module again from our client area, and extract archive contents in main HostBill directory.

Patch drawbacks:
This patch hard-codes clients’ cpu-shares to unlimited (it’s not setting cpu-shares limit in OnApp), and for new machines created from HostBill client area it sets cpu-share to 1, despite of slider settings.

Please note:
This is temporary patch, once OnApp will fix this bug with next RC/Stable version we will upload regular version of module with working CPU-Shares limit.

Resell SSL Certificates with Enom

What is Enom?
eNom, Inc. is a domain name registrar and Web hosting company that also sells other products closely tied to domain names, such as SSL certificates, e-mail services, and Website building software.

The backstory
Ordering, reissuing, renewing SSL certificates is a painful process and we thought that we could help here 🙂
We knew we had to create new order page certain for SSL Certificates
as ordering certificates is a three step-process and current pages simply don’t fit here.

So how does it work?

During order customer picks one of the certificates and HostBill asks for:

* registrar details
* email address that approve email will be sent to

All details are used to issue the certificate.

When it comes to managing certificates the admin part of HostBill supports most of the features provided by Enom that include:

– show CSR
– download certificate
– reissue certificate
– check status of a certificate

This addon makes it very easy to order, issue, reissue and manage certificates.
We hope you find it as useful as we do.
More at:

Price:$9.95 / One time fee Order now

Launch: New Hosting module for QuickMachines

What is QuickMachines?
QuickMachines is a Xen based VPS control panel with clean and easy interface.

More information about QuickMachines at:

In 5 steps we have described initial configuration of HostBill for QuickMachines.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++
QuickMachines & HostBill: Generate API KEY, add new server…ll_add_app.swf

HostBill: Configure product & enable automation for QuickMachines…ll_add_app.swf

HostBill: Place an order for a VPS…rder_a_vps.swf

HostBill: Managing VPS from Admin interface…Create_VPS.swf

HostBill: Managing VPS from Client interface…lient_area.swf
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++

Cpanel: Traffic&Disk Usage Monitor

Creating invoices and sending notification to the clients if they go over their Disk/Traffic limits is very common.

Why not put some magic here and write a tool to automate this task?

Yes we did that! You will get a list of all accounts which reached their limits for Bandwidth or Disk space.

For each client you can:

  1. Set price and create invoice
  2. Send warning notification
  3. Email customer
  4. Suspend account

this and more in the next version 🙂

cPanel:DataSync – Data synchronization between cPanel and HostBill

cPanel:DataSync connects with Server and synchronizes all data (domains, usernames, etc) between Cpanel and HostBill.


    • Checks if HostBill:Account match cPanel:Account (Account examplec has respective account examplec located at cPanel server)
    • Checks if HostBill:Account:DomainName matches cPanel:Account:DomainName (Account examplec with domain has respective account examplec with domain example.racom located at cPanel server)
    • Imports accounts into HostBill (Import account if accounts located at cPanel server do not exist in HostBill )

Watch Video: Cpanel:DataSync

Price: FREE

Install Instructions:

Download addon Cpanel:DataSync

Go to /public_html/includes/modules/Other directory and extract ZIP archive.

Go to Settings>>Modules>>Plugins and activate module

Cloud Hosting with HostBill

Do you offer simple Cpanel hosting, and do your customers keep bombarding you with questions about terms beginning with “CLOUD”?
– Cloud Servers
– Cloud Storage
– Cloud Hosting
– Cloud Services

Why not compete with the big hosting providers?
With OnAPP + HostBill you have cloud technology ready to go!

You can see an example of integration here:


The new HostBill contains the powerful OnAPP module, which will allow you to resell your Cloud and enable your clients to manage their own VPS servers. Thereʼs only a few days to wait until the new HostBill arrives!

What can be done in 40 minutes – Clients Online – new HostBill addon!

It’s late here, the release date is tomorrow, and weʼre doing some final polishing on the next version of HostBill. Iʼve decided to check what can be done with the HostBill add-ons system in just 40 minutes. The results of my work will be added into the upcoming release. Clients Online is a really simple yet handy add-on that will show you which of your clients are currently logged-in. It integrates itself into the admin homepage, so you will have at-a glance information about your clients’ activity.

clients_onlineSmall, simple box on the admin homepage – now you will know who is online.

I canʼt wait for the new version and your feedback on it!

Next version preview pt.3 – Dedicated Server Manager

It’s a matter of single days now until the next version of HostBill is released. With this version we will introduce an add-on especially for hosting company owners. If you own or resell a few dedicated servers spread across different collocations, you probably know the pain of managing contacts for them, or going through dozens of emails to find login details or hardware specifications. Well, worry no more, as now you can have all that information in one place – in HostBill!

With our add-on you’ll be able to manage collocations where you host your servers, contacts to them, and keep information about racks, servers, switches, labels etc. Just take a look at the screenshots:


