Browse Author: Dominika Grzesik

New feature: Server/app cost & revenue

Each server that you connect with HostBill generates some mostly costs for your hosting company. With the new HostBill feature you can now set monthly costs of each server and have the app revenue automatically calculated. Thanks to this feature you can easily check which server brings you most profit or loss. Continue Reading

How to choose the right payment gateway for your business

When running an online business one of the most important decisions you make is choosing payment gateway for processing your payments that suits your business needs. With hundreds of options currently available it’s no easy choice., whether you’re just starting your business and want to choose your first payment gateway or you want to expand payment options available to your customers. HostBill offers you the choice of 90 payment gateways and over 120 payment methods. Here are some tips on what to focus on when making the decision about the payment gateway.

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Website that sells

HostBill order pages: How to create website that sells.

Customer acquisition is the lifeblood of any company. Attracting visitors to your website is one thing, and effective selling – turning visitors into customers is another. Thanks to a variety of eCommerce features HostBill allows you to present and sell products and services using a range of functional and easily customizable order pages that will help you to drive more sales and make the ordering process quick, easy and effective. Here’s what you need to focus on when optimizing your website for sales. Continue Reading