New release: predefined public notes & more
A couple of new settings are introduced today (predefined public notes for Invoices and Estimates, new pricing display options) and bunch of new API calls!
Predefined Public Notes
A new tab in Billing Settings now allows to create a number of predefined notes that can be later used when creating or editing invoices and estimates in the admin UI. Predefined Public Notes can be quickly created by simply adding a title and the content of the note. In the Invoice/Estimate view you can later browse available notes by their title and enter the content of the note to the Invoice/Estimate with just one mouse click.

Another new setting is meant for Order Pages – in Ordering Settings you can decide whether or not to show “Starts from price” slogan on cart categories page.
In other release notes there’s a list of changes when it comes to API. We added changeDomainOwner and changeAccountOwner and cloneAccount API call to clone account by its ID. ListStaffMembers API call now returns values of custom admin fields. There’s also a few new API calls added to manage Status Updates: listSUEvents, getSUEventDetails, listSUZones, listSUZonesDetailed, getSUZoneDetails, and listSUEventTypes.