SSL2BUY and Dynadot integrations, batch promo codes & other news!
Multitude of new functionalities in today’s release: SSL2BUY SSL module, Dynadot domain registrar integration, batch promo codes, new client function and more!
SSL2BUY module
SSL2BUY is a certificate provider and an authorized partner of globally recognized as well as highly trusted CAs namely: AlphaSSL, Comodo, GeoTrust, GlobalSign, Thawte, RapidSSL and Symantec. SSL2BUY module for HostBill allows to sell SSL2BUY certificates using a range of HostBill sales tools. HostBill handles full product automation: SSL certificates are issued, synchronized and renewed automatically. In the client area customers can Enter CSR, select and resend approval email, get certificate status, renew and download it. Admin panel enables to manage certificate and billing details and control account lifecycle.
Dynadot domain registar
Dynadot is an ICANN accredited domain name registrar and web host founded in 2002. Dynadot is focused on engineering and design excellence, providing stable, fast, and easy to use domain and hosting software. HostBill integration enables to sell and automatically manage Dynadot domain names. The module is extremely feature-rich as apart from standard domain automation, ie automatic registration, transfer, renewal, synchronization and deletion it also allows for automatic import of the existing domains from the registry into HostBill and automatic import of the available extensions and prices from registry with your price margins. You can also use Dynadot API as lookup engine for fast and accurate domain searches. On the client side, the integration enables to manage contacts, get EPP code, register and update nameservers.
Promo codes: Batch generation
HostBill gives you the opportunity to generate and distribute promo codes to your current and new customers to drive engagement and boost sales. You can offer your customers a fixed amount or percentage discount for all or selected products and services in your store. Now you can easily create promo codes in batches!
To the Promotional Codes section (in Extras -> Promotions) we added new tab: Code Batches. It lists all created batches and allow to create new ones. When creating new batch, simply provide the batch name, status (Active or Archived), code complexity (it can be alphanumeric, alphanumeric with all upper-case, alphabetic, alphabetic with all upper-case or numeric), code prefix – prefix for each generated code and the number of generated codes. Then you can proceed to configuring the codes as usual, providing coupon type, discount type and value, what the discount should apply to and more (details can be found in HostBill documentation). You can get the list of all the codes from the batch clicking on List codes button. It is also possible to export codes to csv file.

Admin area updates
This week we’re also introducing a couple of updates to the admin panel. First of all, you can now automatically cancel customer generated invoices N days after the due date. Customer generated invoices are those generated in the client area for bulk payments or adding funds. New option allows to hide the “Manual Service Renew” client function and show it a few days before the due date. Now you can also show the “Service Auto Renewal” client function if “Generate invoices” is disabled.
New client function: Related emails enables clients to to list all emails sent related to given service. It can be turned on per product in Product Configuration -> Client Functions.
In email log we’ve added a relation to item (invoice/account/domain). From now on, admins without the access to given support department but with access to email logs will no longer be able to view emails sent from given department.
Today’s release is packed with new features and we didn’t list them all in this blog post – please check the Changelog for details!