New release: new support & languages settings
Today in our weekly release we’re introducing new features for Support Department, new option for language packs and more!
Support Settings
In General Support Settings in HostBill you can configure miscellaneous options for Support. One of them is “Allowed extensions” option which lets you define file extensions that are allowed as attachments to support tickets. You can list the extensions separated by semicolon. The list is displayed in client area to hint which file types are allowed. We’re now updating this section and adding Ruleset behaviour. When “allow” is selected all extensions from the list above will be allowed and the other will be rejected. When “reject” is selected, all extensions other than from the list above (including no extension) will be allowed. Warning: Reject setting is potentially dangerous if executable/script is uploaded. Use it at your own risk.

Another new options concerns Ticket Departments. HostBill gives you the opportunity to create various support departments with different permission levels to enhance merchant-client communication. This feature will help you to better organize your staff and your communication with clients. Now in Other Settings in the Department Settings you can choose the option “Do not add a signature to the ticket reply”.
Language settings
HostBill can support all kind of languages, you can create your own language pack or edit those already installed for both client and admin areas. New functionality allows to define displayed date format per client language. You can do so either editing existing languages or when adding a new one.

This week we’ve also added new options to BitPay payment gateway, Netim domain registrar and Jelastic and Openstack provisioning modules – see the Changelog for details!