New release: Client viewable admin notes
This week in HostBill we’re adding a new functionality, which will allow the clients to see selected service, domain and/or profile notes!
Client viewable admin notes
In HostBill, to enhance communication between your team members, you add short notes to various sections in admin area – a specific ticket, account, domain details, invoice, order etc. The notes can be used to explain tasks, describe the progress on task completion or to share ideas. The notes are “admin only” – visible only for staff members. We’re now giving you the opportunity to share the client profile, domain and account notes with your clients. When adding a new note, you can check the “Client viewable” box, making the note accessible for clients from their client area. The notes marked as “Client viewable” are easily distinguishable, as they are marked in red in the admin area.

To enable clients to see the notes added to their profiles, you need to activate “Client notes” plugin (under Extas -> Plugins). Once the plugin is activated, clients will be able to access Client notes section in their client panel – from the left menu, under “Other”. For account/domain notes, you need to enable “Service notes” function in Client Functions in product configuration, to enable clients to see the notes.

Client notes are yet another channel to stay in touch with your clients and improve your communication!