Domain names suggestions
Recently introduced Domain Name Suggestions feature is a handy tool for your domain name business. Now you can provide your customers with smart domain suggestions to help them find the best available domain name!
Getting a domain name for your business only seems like an easy task. What if the name you were going for is not available? Smart domain name suggestions using synonyms, suffixes, prefixes, short url, new gtlds can help with this task! Now you can generate ideas for domains and check their availability for free!
Domain suggestions tool
Domain name suggestions feature can be enabled in General Settings -> Domain & DNS. Domain suggestions are based on domain registrars API. When enabled, HostBill domain suggestion tool will check for availability and provide clients with smart domain suggestions based on their initial search.
For domain suggestions to work properly you need to choose the domain module that supports this feature. Currently this feature is supported by modules:
- RRPProxy
- Realtime Register
- Enom
- OpenSRS
- ResellerClub
- ResellerID
- NetearthOne
In domain suggestion settings you can not only choose the suggestion engine but also set maximum number of suggested names per search and limit search results to selected TLDs. You also have the option to decide whether or not to include adult results, however not all suggestion engines support this option.

You can find out more about this feature in HostBill documentation.