New release: Mumble module and Ownership change approval feature
This week in HostBill we’re happy to present new Mumble integration and new feature for service ownership change.
Mumble module
Mumble is a free, open source, low latency, high quality voice chat application, primarily intended for gamers. HostBill integration with Mumble was created to enable to sell Mumble voice servers. Thanks to HostBill flexible product configuration and billing options you can charge per server specific configuration variables.
In HostBill voice servers are created automatically and the whole account lifecycle is also automated. In client area customers can view their server details, browse server logs, add and remove users and control server channels. The same functionalities are available to admin in admin panel. Additionally, admins can control access to client area and it’s functionalities, control account lifecycle and manage billing information.
Use Mumble module, offer your customers new services and effortlessly increase you revenue!
Ownership change approval
This week we’re also presenting new feature for service ownership change. HostBiill allows clients to change service or domain owner and transfer ownership to other users. New functionality added to HostBill requires the new owner to accept the ownership before it could be assigned.
In General Settings->Other->Client Permissions you can now decide how the service owner change is being processed: either after client change service to new order it can be transferred immediately or each request needs to be approved by the new owner.
How to proceed with service ownership change
If the client want to assign the service/domain to another owner they need to use “Change owner” option in service details and enter new owner email address. The transfer is then assigned with ‘pending’ status and until not approved by the new owner it can be cancelled.

The recipient gets notified via email (using the new email template), via portal notification and on the page with transfer confirmation. Once the transfer is approved (or rejected) by the recipient, the previous owner will also get notifications.

Further information about new release can be found in our changelog.