New plugin: Customer Rewards
This week we’re introducing new plugin: Customer Rewards. The plugin allows you to reward customers after collecting a certain number of points, which can be earned for performing events specified by the administrator.
As a business owner you probably understand the importance of retaining existing customers. The customer loyalty is one of the easiest ways to ensure your company stability and continuous growth. Hence at HostBill we’ve created the plugin, which is aimed specifically at building customer loyalty.
Adding points to your customers
With the Customer Rewards plugin you can reward your customers (by adding to their account a certain amount of points) for certain events, such as: registration, adding contacts, ordering certain products, adding security rules, signing up to your affiliate program, having active profile for a certain number of days or adding credits to their account.
In the “Points” tab you can specify how many points the client would get for performing given action and whether the event will be performed only once or multiple times for one client. You can also decide if you want to send the customer notifications and what kind of notifications (in the client area or via email).
In the event details you can access the event log, with the information about all the client who performed this action.
Once your customer collects a specific amount of points you can reward them with one of the following;
- Credit – specified credit amount added to the customer account
- Promotion to a client group – changing the customer group to the selected one (for example Priority Support etc)
- Coupon code – assigning the specific (pre-defined) promotional code to the client
In the rewards tab you can define whether the customer can receive the prize only once or multiple times and whether the points should be reset after the client received the reward. You can also set email or client area notifications. Details of the reward include logs where you can find a list of all customers who received the reward.
Find out more about the plugin features and pricing here.