Next version sneak preview pt.2

Hello again – this time lets take a look at one of the new HostBill admin area features – system statistics. These are graphical representations of HostBill important statistics. Good thing to know is that if you feel something is missing here we can add new one within minutes for you! Let us know what graphs you’d like to see there.


(Click on the image to zoom it)

Next version sneak preview pt.1

Hello all interested in HostBill application, have I got a little eye candy for you! Attached below is screenshot of the new cart template which will be included into upcoming HostBill release. I think everyone who is interested in VPS hosting will appreciate possibilities it creates. Stay tuned for more previews, and let us know what you think in comment section below.

VPS slide

HostBill v.1.0.6 Released

As promised to our customers – version 1.0.6 of HostBill is out today! You’ll be amazed by the number of third party modules integrated with HostBill – detailed information about release is posted on our forum.

Go ahead and try out our live demo and experience new HostBill features by yourself, or if you’re our customer already grab your own copy from our client area!

Announcing HostBill v.1.0.6 Upcoming Release

We’re working more than hard here on another release – this one will be focused mostly on bringing third party modules requested on our forums. Here are some of the modules we’ve already done for this version:

  • Interworx hosting panel
  • ISPConfig hosting panel
  • Namecheap domain registrar
  • NoChex gateway
  • AliPay gateway
  • and few more (to be announced with the release)

So stay tuned for version 1.0.6 release announcement, which is scheduled to the middle of February 2010. Want to see another module on official 1.0.6 release list? Let us know using our community forum!

Also we’ve launched another blog for directly hosting related topics – visit “Articles” section on our website and read our first article – how to in few steps set up VPS hosting in Hetzner datacenter. More articles to come – we’re also opened for authors who want to participate and share their knowledge and experience on hosting related topics.

HostBill v.1.0.4 Released

We’re happy to announce that version 1.0.4 is finished and available for download from our client area. VPS is future of hosting, thats why in this release we put much pressure on making HostBill work well for VPS hosting providers. By using HostBill and its integrated VPS modules your clients don’t need to log in into third-party software in most cases as they can use your site [with integrated HostBill] to manage their VPS and keep track of its details [memory, disk space, assigned IPs etc].

To get more informations about this particular release visit our forum.

Annoucing HostBill v.1.0.4 Upcoming Release

It’s a matter of days now until new HostBill version release. With 1.0.4 we’ll be introducing promotional coupons, information pages, custom category cart templates and most importantly new VPS hosting modules integration – SolusVM, vePortal, Panenthe – we’re waiting for update of the API from all of mentioned software developers, so both them and HostBill can give great opportunity for hosting companies owners to introduce VPS hosting management into their offers.

Note that this is only a part of already developed for this version features – visit our forums and let us know what is missing for you in HostBill – we’re looking forward for more great feedback and feature requests!

HostBill v.1.0.2 Released

We’re happy to announce that version 1.0.2 is finished and available for download from our client area. With release of this version we’re introducing new payment options for HostBill license:

  • Already known free three months trial for max five accounts created using HostBill
  • Monthly Leased License – unlimited number of accounts, valid for one installation, “Powered by HostBill” line across system – $12.95/monthly
  • No Branded Monthly Leased LIcense – same as above, without “Powered by” line – $15.95/monthly

Detailed release notes on version 1.0.2 can be found on our forum.

vePortal vs SolusVM vs Panenthe

Now that we know that VPS Management Software can be done better, it’s time to make improvements. We at HostBill also feel responsible for these improvements and we would like to have better API.

HyperVM took big share of VPS management software. When I compare HyperVM to current solutions like vePortal / SolusVM / Panenthe I think it’s better.

We would like to provide full VPS management, not poor solution that most of the billing softwares deliver by default. And they call it “great software”.

[table id=1 /]

Please note we don’t judge any VPS managers, we just compare API. We would like to have all VPS managers integrated into HostBill soon.

Just one thing missing – Xen support. Our customers need this feature. Stable and good VPS managers with Xen support. We are counting on you!

Developers, Developers, Developers work hard on your Panels.  You can listen Steve Ballmer and his famous developer’s song.


Announcing HostBill 1.0.2 upcoming release

Hello all interested in HostBill project!
We’re happy to announce that version 1.0.2 is getting its last screws and bolts and it will be released very soon from now (date will be revealed in the next post). As we’re very excited with it, we’d like to give you a sneak preview of upcoming new features in HostBill – mostly developer-friendly ones.

Here is the short list of upcoming features:
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