Browse Author: Dominika Grzesik

Why you should start selling SSL certificates

SSL becomes the necessity

SSL certificate protects website from many threats: data breaches, phishing scams and other. Both website owners and visitors are becoming more aware about secure environment of the websites, especially those that ask for personal information, such as e-commerce sites. Non-https sites are treated with caution also by search engines. As of this year Google marks all the websites without the SSL certificate as ‘not secure’. Not having SSL certificate will result in website visitors being warned in the URL bar about the security issues. And no website owner wants that – and that’s why the demand for SSL certificates becomes higher. Continue Reading

HostBill Bug report

New Bug Report System

At HostBill we are always looking to fix bugs that negatively impact the users experience and we value your bug reports that help us squash these bugs. We’ve just improved our Bug Report System to make the process even faster and more effective. Continue Reading