New plugin: Plivo mobile notifications
This week release comes with new notification module, update to DirectAdmin Installatron, new admin functions and more!
Plivo Mobile Notifications plugin
The best way to stay informed about various events in HostBill is to use one of our mobile notification modules and get notifications straight to your phone! We already offer a dozen various integrations to choose from and now we’re adding a new one: Plivo, so you can send mobile notifications to clients and staff members using Plivo SMS platform.
Your staff can be notified about various ticket events (new ticket, ticket status changed, new ticket note, ticket reply and more). The notifications can be send only for tickets with selected priority level or only to selected departments. Staff notifications can also concern new orders and new transactions, new chat messages and also failed account/service automation or failed login. The module can be also used to notify your clients about new invoices, ticket replies etc and to send reminders about service expiration or payment dates.
As HostBill modules are designed to work together, apart from standard HostBill event notifications, you can use this module to get notifications from other modules as well, for example Cloud Monitoring (to get notification when the website is down) or SMS Verification (to get verification code).
You can get the module here.
Directadmin v3: Installatron auto-install
A while back we’ve introduced Installatron function to DirectAdmin module. New option allows to automatically install applications after purchasing a hosting account. This option can be enabled during product configuration. You can select the app to install or allow client to select it during checkout. You can also setup client forms – add fields to configure the app.

Admin: Pro-rate post-paid cancellations
New admin area option lets you decide whether or not to enable prorating post-paid service with enabled purchase pro-rata during cancelations. You will find this option in Product Settings -> Other, when cancellations are enabled:

Full changelog with today’s release notes is available here.