New options for products and components visibilty!
New release introduces new visibility options for products and sub-products: now you can products for separator orders and hide sub-products from orderpage!
Hidden products
In HostBill product configuration there are multiple options to hide and display products. You can set the products to be visible only for staff members, archive products to remove them from view in client area and prevent from purchasing (archived products can be restored at any time) or hide products and mąkę them available for client to purchase only via Direct Cart Link. Now, you can also Hide products for seperate orders. If product is hidden for separate orders, it’s not visible in cart and is not available via Dirct Cart Link. Clients can only order it as a sub-product and they will not see this service in listings. This can be easily done on the products listing side and be as easily undone (by clicking the ’Show’ button).

This week we also added new visibility option for addons. Those can be now hidden from orderpage. Such addon is hidden only when placing an order for product using this addon. Addon can be ordered from service details page. Additionally, in client area we improved the service view and now sub-products are listed in service details.
There’s more News in today’s release – check in the Changelog!