New release: huge update in mobile notifications, reminders for manual invoice and much more!
On top of the Black Friday & Cyber Monday deal that is still on, today we’re presenting na overwhelming amount of HostBill news! Huge update in mobile notifications, changes in password & email update, new reminders for manual invoices and much much more…
Mobile notifications
HostBill notification system works with multiple channels, including mobile notifications, with a number of mobile notification modules available. In today’s release we’re introducing multiple changes in the mobile notification system.
Let’s start with the Mobile Notifications section that allows to configure notification settings, which is now moved from “Extras” to General Settings tab -> Messages -> Mobile notifications.

This section allows to enable notifications for staff members and for clients separately. Additionally, you can choose whether you want to send the notifications using all active connections (that you had previously configured) or if you want to use specific connection/s only.
Connections is another new feature in the notification system. Now, when enabling mobile notifications for either staff members or clients you choose not notification modules, but connections. Connections allow to send various messages using the same notification module, but different phone numbers – one notification module can have multiple connections configured.

The notification module connection can be also picked in Ticket Department settings for notifications send by particular departament and when sending manual text message or push mobile notification to a customer via Notify Client function.
All module-related connections (Notification but also Hosting/Domain) can be now quickly listed from the module management page.
As for the mobile notification templates, they have also been moved to Settings -> Message templates. They are divided into sections: Client and Admin. Each section contains a number of pre-defined templates that can be easily edited and modified by admins. Alternatively, you can create custom mobile template.
Reminders for manual invoices
Automated invoice reminders in HostBill are a part of product/service automation and can be set in product configuration. Now we also enable payment reminder emails for invoices issued manually by staff or through Invoices → Recurring Invoices. You can set both unosie invoice reminders email and Overdue invoice reminders email X days after the due date. The new Reminders section in available in Generał Settings -> Billing.

Email and password change
Improving users’ security, now each email or password change or MFA deactivation, for both admin and client areas will require additional MFA confirmation. Client email change was also moved to a separate page and also requires current account password.

As this release brings important changes to clientarea template files, the clientarea template files should be updated.
If you are using 2019 theme (or your custom theme is based on it), ensure to update following files:templates/2019/clientarea/changeemail.tpl
2019 template can auto-update through AutoUpdate module, if template_2019
plugin is active.
If after updating theme/files your changes are not visible, ensure to clear templates_c directory contents out of *.tpl.php
If you are using other/older theme, ensure to download updated source of it from our client portal: and update following local template files:templates/{TEMPLATE_NAME}/clientarea/changeemail.tpl
Currency & Tax settings
HostBill offers wide range of multiple tax rules/levels. You can configure the tax by yourself or use one of our pre-set tax settings. The feature is the ability to edit the existing tax, which was not possible before. In the Additional Currencies section we improved the pop-up for adding and editing the new currencies.

Date Picker Form Field
Date field is one of the Form fields that enables client to enter date using handy date picker. New options allow to set maximal date offset by number of days and to set minimal & default date value in date field to “today”.

There’s much more news in today’s release, including new features for Hetzner Cloud module, registrar, CloudSignup, UpCloud and many more. All the details are available in the Changelog!