New release – a weekly dose of HostBill news
Small changes, improvements, new configuration options and new functionalities – check the weekly portion of HostBill news!
Release notes
Staff members and teams in HostBill can be assigned with different permissions and privileges, one of them being Terminating the Account. From today’s release on admin without mentioned ACL will not be able to automatically process Account Termination upon Cancellation Request.
In Security & Display Settings a new option allows to verify CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) token on language change. With this option enabled, a valid security token will be required hen changing language in HostBill. Please bear in admin that enabling this option will break language changes from external pages and some custom or older themes. The CSFR token can also be required on login/logout.
Last week we added new option for promotional codes: ability to clone existing promotional code. It is available in the codes listing site and allows to save the whole configuration of the source promo code, including coupon type, discount type and value, maximum usage expiration date, products, categories and clients the discount should apply to & more. It’s all about saving time for more important tasks!

In the last release we also introduced some changes in Forms, allowing to use variables for form default values in input and text area fields, In To-do list widget users can now remove tasks from other members. In Tickets when assigning or subscribing the tickets staff teams are now also displayed.
A lot of new functionalities were added to modules such as PowerDNS (Support for Ed25519 ssh keys), Multibrand (Ability to set status for new clients), vCloud (Option to select placement policies for VDC) and many more! As always, detailed information can be found in Changelog!