New release
What is new today in HostBill? Quite a lot! New setting for support ticket replies, new default gateway per client services option, update to Private Products plugin, Automatic Certificate Reissue every year function, new configuration option for contract and more!
Support Ticket Settings
A number of various settings for ticket submission, ticket attachments and ticket import can be found in HostBill Support Settings section. New option allows to set Post-reply UI behavior -where to redirect the user after sending a reply in a ticket: either to return to ticket listing or return back to replied ticket.
Default gateway per client
In HostBll you can override general, default settings and set specific rules per each client individually. In Settings & Automation section in client’s profile you can configure client billing, automation, order and support settings and set client-specific discounts. Now, you can also set default gateway per client and apply this configuration for all existing services.

Private Products
Private Product module is simple in its concept, yet gives you new ways to sell your products. If you have products that you want to make available only for certain customers you can hide those products for general public in and make hidden products visible, but only for certain customers or client groups you’ve configured in Private Products plugin. Blocked Countries section allows to select a product or entire order page and countries for which this particular product/order page would not be available to place order. Now, you can also select not only single countries, but also the whole region, to save you time on plugin configuration. You can click on “Show countries in regions” for a list of countries that given region includes.

Contracts are automatically generated documents that customer accepts after order (if the order scenario requires this step). When adding a new contract you can now decide whether it should be mandatory or not. Mandatory contract requires to be accepted by the client before the order can be completed. Non-mandatory contracts do not block the order, a client can accept the contract any time in client area.
SSL certificates
SSL Automation Helper is a module that automates the process of verification and installation of the SSL certificate. The plugin is free and available to all HostBill users. New feature added to this plugin allows to set Automatic Certificate Reissue every year (if the SSL provisioning module supports this function). You can also choose Earlier reissue and set a number of days in which the reissue should be performed earlier.