New integration Mijn Domein Reseller
With today’s release in HostBill we’re presenting new domain module: Mijn Domein Reseller and a few new functionalities!
Mijn Domein Reseller
Mijn Domein Reseller (MDR) is an ICANN accredited domain registrar from The Netherlands, offering over 500 extensions, extensive API and powerful control panel. The HostBill integration allows to automate Mijn Domein Reseller domain management and provisioning: automatically register, transfer, renew, synchronize and delete the domains. HostBill also enables to automatically import existing domains from Mijn Domein Reseller into HostBill. The registrar API can also be used as a lookup engine for fast and accurate domain searches. Client area allows customers to manage domains DNSSEC keys, manage domain contacts or update nameservers.
New client function: Downloads
Downloads section in HostBill allows to add files that can be downloaded by your customers through their Client area. Downloads may include: some additional files that can be used with a certain product/service, applications which by default are paid, utility software etc. Downloads are divided into categories, so that clients are able to find a needed file more easily.
A file for download can be made available only for clients with certain product/service. In this case, in related product/service configuration you can enable Downloads client function, which enables clients to download files that are assigned to this product on the ‘Downloads’ page.

In today’s release you can also find new features added to Plesk, Proxmox and Vultr modules. All the details in the Changelog!