New modules: BitNinja, LiveConfig, Telegram and Domain-Bestellsystem!
This week we’re launching four new modules: BitNinja integration to resell BitNinja Server Security licenses, LiveConfig Shared Hosting reseller module, Domain-Bestellsystem domain registrar and Telegram Bot mobile notifications plugin!
BitNinja Server Security integration
BitNinja is an integrated server defense network for hosting providers. To protect the servers worldwide, it combines the most powerful defense mechanisms and provides a broad level of protection. Each protected server can detect and defend against a wide range of server attacks. Thanks to the HostBill module you can start reselling BitNinja licenses, either as a separate product or as a sub-product to VPS packages. HostBill creates and terminates licenses automatically, handles invoicing and payment process and the account management. Clients can view their billing details and manage the license from client area, while admin panel gives control over the account lifecycle and the client area functions access and appearance.
LiveConfig Shared Hosting module
LiveConfig is a hosting control panel software made in Germany. The HostBill module enables you to sell LiveConfig Shared Hosting accounts in a comfortable and flexible way. With HostBill the whole selling and account management process is automated! Easily configure your products and optional add-ons and let HostBill handle invoicing, payment processing, account creation and managing its whole lifecycle (including automated upgrades and downgrades), client notifications and more! Your clients will be able to display access details and quickly single sign-on to LiveConfig from the client area, while feature-rich admin area will let you manage your services and clients in an organized and convenient way.
Domain-Bestellsystem domain registrar
Domain-Bestellsystem is a German domain registar. The HostBill integration allows to automate Domain-Bestellsystem domain management and provisioning: automatically register, transfer, renew, synchronize and delete the domains. With HostBill you can automatically import existing domains from registry to HostBill and available extensions and prices with your price margins. You can also use Domain-Bestellsystem APi as a lookup engine for fast and accurate domain searches. The module supports Premium Names, which means you can get premium domain prices on registration page and register premium domain names. The end-customers have the ability to change nameservers the domain is pointing to, update domain registration contacts, update registry-maintained DNS records, get the domain EPP Code, allowing to transfer domain out and to change the nameservers.
Telegram Bot notification module
Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. The Telegram Bot mobile notification module allows you to notify both your staff members and customers about important events in HostBill using Telegram Bot services. Your staff can be notified about various ticket events (new ticket, ticket status changed, new ticket note, ticket reply and more). The notifications can be send only for tickets with selected priority level or only to selected departments. Staff notifications can also concern new orders and new transactions, new chat messages and also failed account/service automation or failed login. The module can be also used to notify your clients about new invoices, ticket replies etc and to send reminders about service expiration or payment dates.
Telegram module adds Client registration field (checkbox) allowing customers to define their own bots and receive notifications from you – available in profile edit in client portal:

As HostBill modules are designed to work together, apart from standard HostBill event notifications, you can use this module to get notifications from other modules as well, for example Cloud Monitoring (to get notification when the website is down) or SMS Verification (to get verification code).
Product automation: service expiration notifications
With HostBill automation rules you can ensure the service you provide is fully automated, from signup to termination. Automation areas include upgrades and downgrades, suspending, unsuspending, terminating, automated billing and invoicing as well as custom automation rules and much more. New setting added to Product Automation enables to automatically send a number of expiration notification emails X days before the expiration date. This option can be used to notify clients about the SSL Certificate expiration date or other services that are not renewed automatically but require the client to renew them manually. The template for Reminder of the due date email can be set in the Emails section in Product Configuration.