Google Authenticator update

Today in our weekly release we’re presenting an update to Google Authenticator plugin.

Google Authenticator plugin update

Google Authenticator provides additional layer of security when signing up. The HostBill plugin, compatible with Google Authenticator mobile app, implements two-factor authentication with QR-codes. Google Authenticator setup is very easy with QR code generated right in HostBill client & admin area. New option added to this module allows the Google Authenticator to remember the device for 30 days, so the next time upon logging in, the admin/client would not have to provide the security code.

Two factor authentication

Google Authenticator is one of a number of Security/Verification plugins available for HostBill. Creating a strong password is important, but even the most complicated passwords can be cracked putting your clients and staff members at risk. An effective way to keep your customers and your business safe is to use two-factor authentication solutions. It’s an additional step that the users need to complete upon login, making it more difficult for cyber criminals to breach the account. With HostBill you can choose a variety of two-factor authentication modules for both client and admin areas, such as SMS Verification, Email Verification, One-time Passwords, Google Re-captcha, DuoSecurity, Mobile 2FA, CryptoPhoto, Authy or U2F Authentication. You can browse them all here.

For other news and the list of bug fixes please refer to the Changelog section.

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