New release: LibreNMS Billing, new domain notifications and credit notes features!
New release, new HostBill functionalities! This week we’re launching new LibreNMS Billing module, new bulk notifications for domains and new settings for credit notes!
Single Domain notification
Recently at HostBill we’ve introduced domain renewal notifications management, which allows you to decide how client should receive notifications about expiring domains: a single notification for each domain or bulk notifications. Now, we’re adding improvements for other notices: sent on domain registration or transfer.
When the bulk notification option is, when registering or transferring a number of domains at once, the notifications will also be sent in bulk, so instead of several emails, only one will be sent. We have also created three new email templates: Domain:Registered:Bulk, Domain:Transferred:Bulk and Domain:Renewed:Bulk so you can easily customize your messages.
Credit notes numeration format settings
Credit notes are documents indicating the money coming out/owed to customer, mostly used to indicate refund. In HostBill you have various settings available for credit notes. The new option allows to choose the numeration format for your credit notes. You can either choose to use separate numeration/format for credit notes or follow numeration/format from regular invoices. If you decide for the first option, you can set the next credit note number and the format to use.

Libre NMS Billing module
LibreNMS is a fully featured network monitoring system. HostBill integration allows to use data from LibreNMS to bill your clients for total transfer, averages or 95th percentile. We’re now introducing a new plugin, LibreNMS Billing, which is a part of LibreNMS module. LibreNMS Billing module gets traffic graphs and usage values from LibreNMS API. You can read more about the module in its documentation.
That’s not all for today! The whole list of new HostBill functionalities, changes in the admin area and bugs fixed can be seen in HostBill changelog!