New features: Product log and XML Invoices
Today in our weekly release we’re introducing new product log and new e-invoicing functionality with three XML invoicing modules!
XML Invoices
Electronic invoicing, also called e-invoicing, is a form of electronic billing that in is being increasingly popular, widely used and in some cases even required. In many countries e-invoice has the same legal validity as a paper invoice: it is a receipt for the delivery of goods or provision of services. In order for an invoice to be electronic it must be issued and received digitally. The use of electronic invoicing provides great advantages and benefits to users, such as a reduction in costs, the improvement of business management, of payments and collections, as well as the possibility of accessing new sources of finance. Each country is implementing its own conditions and formats for the use of an e-invoice. HostBill has now developed a new feature, allowing to export invoices to XML format. We are also happy to introduce three XML invoice modules, which support export of XML invoices:
- JPK_FA_3 (for Poland)
- FatturaPA (for Italy)
You can read more on the modules configuration in HostBill documentation. With one of the modules enabled, you can export your invoices to XML format (in Invoice Details -> Actions -> Download XML).

In Billing settings you can also enable the option to automatically generate XML invoice each time invoice is created and store all the XML invoices on your server (for later use for download). Optionally you can choose not to generate XML invoices automatically but only on request.

The modules are an initial implementation, so please verify exported files with your accountant. We will be further developing the modules based on our customers feedback.
Product log
All actions in HostBill are logged allowing you to keep control over what’s happening in your HostBill. You can easily browse the logs divided into various categories, helping you to quickly find what you are looking for. We have now added a new Product log, which stores each action taken on product configuration. This way you can easily check which staff member and in what way changed given product settings.
The list of the changes displays the product name that the change concerns, date when the change was made, login of the admin that made the change, number of changes, and the changes description.

New features for Openstack module
This week we’re also adding a number of new functionalities for our Openstack module. New client function allows customers to enter their own user data scripts when creating a new VM. When using flavor billing you can now create multiple instances. You can also rename and sort flavors available in the Cloud Hosting package. We’ve also made a change and now IPs assigned from external networks will be recorded in account log.
Explore our weekly Changelog to see all the release notes!
Michal Ambroziak
December 16, 2020Can you export invoices from a particular month into one XML file?