Transactions handling changes

Transactions section in HostBill provides insights into transaction details and enables to add new and manage existing transactions. We’ve recently introduced some changes into transaction handling.

Adding new transaction

When manually adding a transaction first you need to choose the client that the transaction should be assigned to:

Once you choose the client you can now choose the transaction type:

  • Add to client credit – will add credit to client credit balance
  • Add to single invoice – adds transaction to client’s single invoice
  • Add to multiple invoices – adds single transaction to multiple invoices. This way admin doesn’t have to manually divide payments or issue bulk invoice – HostBill will create sub-transactions for all individual invoices.
Transaction types
Adding multi-transaction

Editing transactions

When editing a transaction, you can browse all sub-transactions, refunds, chargeback, documents and invoices connected to this transaction.

Transaction edit screen
Transaction edit screen

Transactions statuses

All transactions can now have one of the following statuses:

  • Processing

Transaction has been booked but it’s still proccessed by the gateway. Such transaction can be cancelled by the gateway. This option is used by GoCardless module for now. Usually the transaction is added once it’s processed by the gateway, which could last up to 7 days. Now, in module configuration you can set that the transaction will be added once the gateway starts to process it.

  • Successfull

Transaction has been successful. This is a default status.

  • Refunded

Transaction has been refunded through a different transaction.

  • Chargeback

Transaction has been reversed through a different transaction.

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