Introducing Credit Receipts Feature
HostBill introduced new type of documents named Credit Receipts.
In HostBill, your customer can add funds to his account for later use. In previous versions, an invoice was issued confirming this transaction.
In some countries (i.e.: some member-countries of the European Union) you are not allowed to issue invoice when adding funds. HostBill solves this problem by introducing Credit Receipts.
This is new billing document format, which confirms the addition of funds to the account.
Here you can enable this feature:
Settings -> Billing -> Client balance
Staff member can modify Credit Receipts’ layout using built-in editor. As with invoices, it is possible to email, download and print the document.
The customer makes the payment for Credit Receipt in the same way as with regular invoice.
You’ll have the ability to list Credit Receipts in admin portal under Payments->Invoices and filter them by status: Paid / Unpaid.